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Magoria Books: A Publisher of Cariban and Romani Books


Now Available: Romani Dictionary: Gurbeti - English / English - Gurbeti

Romani Dictionary: Gurbeti - English / English - GurbetiRomani Dictionary: Gurbeti - English / English - Gurbeti, Hedina Tahirović Sijerčić's groundbreaking bidirectional Gurbeti dictionary, is now available!

Buy "Romani Dictionary: Gurbeti - English / English - Gurbeti" on Amazon: Buy now: $59.95 USD · £44.95 GBP

Now Available: Rom like Thunder

Rom like ThunderRom like Thunder, Hedina Tahirović Sijerčić's memoirs of her father, her life in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and her path from childhood to fame before the war struck, is now available!

Buy "Rom like Thunder" on Amazon: Buy now: $14.95 USD · £9.95 GBP